
The Maritime Services Division was established to carry out the shipping responsibilities of the State in relation to Trinidad and Tobago flagged vessels, vessels that fall under national jurisdiction and those within the territorial waters of Trinidad and Tobago. The primary objectives of the Division are to:

  • Ensure the safety and security of life at sea, the safety of navigation and the protection of the marine environment from ship-generated pollution.

  • Assist in the development of the national maritime sector.

  • Represent the State’s interest in shipping safety and security and general maritime matters

  • Act as the implementation, monitoring and compliance authority for the State’s obligations in respect of international maritime instruments (conventions, codes and guidelines) to which Trinidad and Tobago is Party.

  • Administer national shipping and boating laws.


  • To ensure the safety and security of Trinidad and Tobago ships worldwide

  • To ensure safety and security of shipping in Trinidad and Tobago waters

  • To ensure the control and prevention of vessel source pollution in Trinidad and Tobago waters

  • To facilitate the growth of the national maritime sector through necessary regulatory, advisory, administrative and developmental frameworks


  • Accountability-Responsibility for all of our decisions, actions and in-actions.           

  • Innovation - The creation of an environment which provides a platform for the growth of the economy through new and creative ideas, products and services.

  • Integrity- The organization’s personnel will not engage in actions or place it under any obligations that may compromise our decisions, actions or professionalism in the execution of our mandate.

  • Professionalism - Strict adherence to the organization’s systems and procedures to ensure, accountability, integrity, transparency and efficient delivery of products and services.

  • Safety- Measures taken to minimize risk and danger to all personnel as well as to the organization’s infrastructure.

  • Transparency- The organization’s decisions and actions should be trustworthy and be able to withstand scrutiny.

  • Value for money- Obtaining the best price for services, while ensuring the most efficient use of resources to effect the desired outcome.