Policy for the Amendment of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50

RELEASE DATE: 29 Jan 2016

MVRT Act Chapt 48 50 

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) bears the responsibility for the continued development and implementation of traffic law enforcement measures and strategies for the regulation of road use and promotion of road safety in Trinidad and Tobago. An assessment of the current legislation, underscores the necessity of implementing practical and modern amendments to the current Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50, towards engendering greater responsibility of motorists on the nation’s roads. Additionally, the Ministry proposes to have the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Enforcement and Administration) Act, Ch. 48:52 repealed and anchored into the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50, in line with the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Bill 2016. As such, the implementation of a Demerit Points System is proposed by the Ministry which would allow for demerit points to be ascribed to a person’s driver’s license, where a driver was issued with a fixed penalty notice, or convicted by a Court for a traffic violation under the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50.
The public is invited to review the policy document and submit comments anonymously to the Ministry of Works and Transport.
Please use the link below to download the document and supply comments if you so desire:

Comments Re: Policy for the Amendment of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50
Frequently Asked Questions - Demerit Points System
 Comments Re: Policy for the Amendment of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50
          The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) bears the responsibility for the continued development and implementation of traffic law enforcement measures and strategies for the regulation of road use and promotion of road safety in Trinidad and Tobago. An assessment of the current legislation, underscores the necessity of implementing practical and modern amendments to the current Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50, towards engendering greater responsibility of motorists on the nation’s roads. Additionally, the Ministry proposes to have the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Enforcement and Administration) Act, Ch. 48:52 repealed and anchored into the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50, in line with the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Bill 2016. As such, the implementation of a Demerit Points System is proposed by the Ministry which would allow for demerit points to be ascribed to a person’s driver’s license, where a driver was issued with a fixed penalty notice, or convicted by a Court for a traffic violation under the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50.

The public is invited to review the policy document and submit comments to the Ministry of Works and Transport.

Please download the following document then supply comments if you so desire:         


An Act to amend the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Chap. 48:50 to introduce a system of traffic violations for certain breaches of the Act, to provide for the implementation of a red-light camera system, a demerit points system and the reform of the fixed penalty system and related legal proceedings and other
related matters.

Introduction of Demerit Points System

A Guide to Understanding the Demerit Points System