On May 18th 2022, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport (MOWT) accompanied by Directors of the Ministry’s Highways Division, the Bridges, Landslips and Traffic Management Unit and representatives of the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited visited the La Fortune Pluck Road and San Francique areas.
The La Fortune Pluck Road and San Francique areas have been a major concern for the Ministry of Works and Transport given the ongoing formation of landslips which have affected the integrity of the roadway. The Ministry is aware of the potential hazards concerning safety, mobility and connectivity.
As such, in responding to landslips in these areas, the Ministry is coordinating an overall response via three Divisions under its purview, namely- the Highways Division, the Programme for Upgrading Roads Efficiency (PURE) Unit and the Bridges, Landslips and Traffic Management Unit (BLT).
Under the Bridges, Landslips and Traffic Management Unit (BLT) Landslip Repair Programme Phase 2A, approval was recently received to award contracts to begin construction works on five significant (5) landslips in these areas. Two (2) of the contracts are for construction works at:
1. L24 La Fortune Pluck Road 0.2km LP #175
2. L25 La Fortune Pluck Road 0.3km LP #173-75
The remaining three (3) contracts will address landslips in the San Francique area and are in various stages of project development.
Minister Rohan Sinanan stated that “While members of the La Fortune Pluck Road community continue to clamour for immediate action, the necessary steps to identify, plan, investigate, design and award contracts for the repair of landslips in the area are being taken.
Despite the financial challenges and constraints, the Ministry remains committed to improving its infrastructural assets, while maintaining connectivity and bringing much-needed relief to La Fortune Pluck Road and its neighbouring communities.”
The formulation of landslips and the associated repair solutions are ongoing issues the Ministry of Works and Transport must continually address in the most systematic manner. When responding to these costly remedial works which require a comprehensive approach, the Ministry must work within the parameters of its allocated resources.

Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport accompanied by Mr. Navin Ramsingh, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Transport (centre) and Mr. Mahadeo Jagdeo, Director, Bridges, Landslips and Traffic Management Unit (left) view the landslips at La Fortune Pluck Road.

Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport speaks with a resident affected by the landslips at La Fortune Pluck Road

Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport and Mr. Mahadeo Jagdeo, Director, Bridges, Landslips and Traffic Management Unit assess the severity of the landslips at La Fortune Pluck Road