Mayaro Guayaguayare is located along the South-Eastern coastline of Trinidad. Mayaro Guayaguayare located near the Atlantic Ocean where predominantly large swells occur. The Mayaro bay and the Guyaguayare bay is defined by the headlands of Point Radix in the north, Galeota Point in the southwest and Gran Cayo Point in the West.
Both shorelines are being impacted by hydrodynamic activities of the Atlantic Ocean and a number of rivers which outfall along the shoreline; however the level exposure to these activities affects each shoreline differently. This results in varying rates of erosion along each bay.
* Problem Identification- identify and define problems of coastal erosion and / inundation within the project areas.
* Feasibility Study-Development and analysis of alternatives for each of the selected problems, the preparation of preliminary cost estimates, economic analysis and environmental impacts for each alternative, and the recommendation of the preferred alternative based on technical, economic and environmental merits.
* Detailed Design - preparation of detailed designs and bidding documents for the preferred alternative at problem locations, a detailed Economic Analysis and justification, and a scoping-level Environmental Impact Assessment.
1. It was noted that the beach at the north end of Mayaro Bay is currently experiencing erosion and there have been many structures and properties abandoned due to the ongoing shoreline retreat.
2. Both shorelines are being impacted by hydrodynamic activities of the Atlantic Ocean and a number of rivers which are present along the shoreline have been affected by these said activities as a result Mayaro/Guayaguayare has been experiencing severe coastal erosion and inundation issues.
3. It was noted that accretion occurred along river mouths but was later investigated to be seasonal accretion n along the overall coastal processes at Mayaro.
4. When further investigated it was seen that the area can accommodate rock revetments, offshore breakwaters and possible beach recharge campaigns in order to facilitate the protection of beach erosion. This can only be possible if current structures are removed and relocated from the areas of erosion.