Quinam Beach Facility is located along the southern coastline of Trinidad accessed via the Penal-Quinam Road. Due to its location on the south coast of Trinidad, the site is exposed to the wave activity of the Atlantic Ocean approaching the site predominantly from the south-east direction. In recent years there has been significant coastal erosion along Quinam Beach which may be attributed to climate change. The erosion has resulted in damage to the end of the access road and the seawall at Quinam. The continuing erosion and the importance of the beach facility required the need for a coastal protection scheme to be implemented.
As such the Ministry of Works and Transport's Coastal Protection Unit implemented the following works:
* The Construction of 200 linear meters of rock revetment at +3.5 m crest elevation
* Construction of 54m sheet pile with a boardwalk
* Cliff stabilisation of the western cliff along bay
* Landscaping
* Drainage
* Ancillary works.
* The Protection of infrastructural public property and infrastructure assets of the beach facility including the Penal Quinam Road, Life Guard Building from coastal erosion and inundation;
* To increase in amenity value of the beach facility were the key benefits of the project.