Works on the Northbound Lane (existing Mosquito Creek) includes a 2m elevation bringing it to the level of the existing Southbound Lane. The Minister of Works and Transport noted that this change is expected to bring an end to the perennial flooding which is caused by a high spring tide.
- Reduced obstruction as a result of the high tide and consequential coastal flooding.
- Reduced traffic congestion and daily traffic pile-ups
- Protection from the sea by andesite boulders supplied from the THA quarry in Tobago
- Improved access for thousands of residents and commuters who utilise the three-kilometre stretch (Mosquito Creek) the main thoroughfare to get from San Fernando to Fyzabad, Oropouche, Rousillac, Vessigny, Guapo, La Brea, Point Fortin, Cedros and Icacos
- Reduced frustration and travel times
- Reduced damage to vehicles caused by seawater splashes
- Improved safety for motorists and pedestrians
- Reduced expenditure on fuel