North Coast Road 11.5km Mark [Slope Stabilization]

The North Coast Road connects the villages of Santa Cruz and Maraval to Maracas, Las Cuevas and Blanchisseuse. In September 2018, the area experienced heavy rainfall which resulted in accelerated slope failure causing the westbound lane to collapse. A Bailey bridge was then installed within two days to bring temporary relief to villagers and commuters traversing along the North Coast Road. The crib lock retaining wall system was then constructed to provide stability and restoration of the roadway.
This project included:
  • Construction of a thirty five (35) metre long crib lock retaining wall.
  • Construction of a hundred and ninety four (194) metre long open box drain.
  • The installation of a turf reinforcement mat to protect slopes from erosion caused by surface run-off.
  • Construction of forty (40) metre long box drain.
  • Construction of eighty five (85) metres of kerb and slipper.
  • Installation of Jersey Barriers

Project Benefits
  • This project will mitigate further damage to surrounding structures.
  • Reinstatement of the roadway.
  • Provides a safe and secured roadway to the Maracas Beach
  • Improvement to the drainage in the area.
  • More cost effective than a traditional retaining wall and a Mechanical Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall.
Project Commencement Date:  30th July, 2019
Project Completion Date: 10th February, 2020