Core Employment Component - URP

The principal function of the URP is to provide short-term employment for unemployed persons in the community.  The unemployed are provided with work on a rotation basis, every two to three fortnights (four to six weeks). Persons employed through the URP are not entitled to any employment benefits or vacation leave.  A stipend is paid to individuals to assist them financially, however the payment should not be considered a salary.
Steps are being taken to ensure that persons employed under the URP receive on-the-job training to standards set by the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards – the same level as all other government employees.
Applicants are not required to pay any application fees or provide any other consideration to any individual to be awarded work under the employment programme.
Community groups such as churches and schools undertaking small projects can apply for assistance through the Core Employment component of the programme. To request assistance, interested persons can write, call or visit the URP Regional Office responsible for the area or region where the work is to be performed.