The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to congratulate Success Laventille Secondary School (The Winner) and Mt Hope Secondary School (The Runner up) for their participation in the first Interschool Road Safety Quiz that was held on Wednesday 11th March, 2020. The initiative was spearheaded by Mr. Nicholas Cumberbatch, Project Manager/ Coordinator of the Road Safety Project Stakeholder Committee.
The Ministry of Works and Transport is pleased to have been apart of the Road Safety Stakeholder Committee.
Project Background
The Joint Schools Road Safety Project originated from concerns expressed at a Mt. Hope Village Council meeting with the St. Joseph Police in December 2017. The project was launched jointly to benefit students of Mt. Hope Secondary School and the Success Laventille Secondary School and residents of the surrounding communities.
The Road Safety Project Stakeholder Committee was established to manage and provide the required support to ensure the successful and efficient implementation of this pilot project. The committee included representatives from both schools, Parent teacher Association, Arrive Alive, Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, San Juan Laventille Regional Corporation, Mt. Hope /Mt. Lambert Village Council, Ministry of Works and Transport (Traffic Management Branch and Traffic Warden Division), Ministry of Education, T&TEC and businesses in the communities.
The major objectives of the project include educating the students of both schools about the importance of practicing road discipline when crossing the road, paying attention to road signage, and sensitizing them to some of the dangers and risks associated with driving.
Arrive Alive, Traffic Wardens and the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service conducted presentations to students at the schools. Students were then taken to streets to be shown how to cross the roads and how to use the pedestrian crosswalks properly. Over 1,000 students benefitted from the project. In addition, the Ministry of Works and Transport and the San Juan Laventille Regional Corporation provided improvements such as repainting of the crosswalks on the Eastern Main Road and the Priority Bus Route in the vicinity of the schools.
Over 200 students and staff, parents, officials, stakeholders, supporters and sponsors participated in the first Road Safety Quiz Competition.