What We Do

The Central Planning Unit has evolved from a primarily advisory and reporting entity to a more intensive project management support unit, lending its assistance in managing the Ministry’s Capital Programme; in preparing and implementing policy papers on various operational aspects of the Ministry and in monitoring the State Entities under its portfolio. The Unit not only provides support to the MOWT’s implementing agencies, but it also works closely with other supporting entities to resolve issues affecting project implementation and operational efficiency.


  • Coordinating the development of annual Draft Estimates of Expenditure for capital works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Development, and the Ministry of Finance;*  Strategic Plan for the period 2019 - 2024.
  • Acts as an oversight agency which monitors and evaluates the implementation of the objectives outlined in the Ministry’s approved.
  • Monitoring of the MOWT’s Portfolio of Works including:
  • The financial and physical status of the Capital Programme and project-oriented items under the Recurrent Budget.
  • Implementation of Cabinet decisions pertinent to the Ministry's functions;
  • The operations of Special Purpose State Entities under the purview of MOWT.
  • Preparation, review, finalization and submission of Notes for Cabinet