Responsibilities of the Chief Technical Officer
The Chief Technical Officer of the Ministry of Works and Transport serves as an Adviser to the Permanent Secretary on all aspects of Engineering Projects, including those aspects which affect policies and programmes.
The Chief Technical Officer also has responsibilities which are defined in several Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. These responsibilities are:
Under the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act (MVRTA) Chapter 48:50, the Chief Technical Officer is designated as the Chairman of the Trinidad Transport Board. This Board is appointed by Her Excellency the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and advises the President on all matters pertaining to road traffic. In particular, the Act lists the following matters for advice:
- License duties in respect of motor and other vehicles
- Customs and Excise Duties in respect of transport vehicles and fuel therefore
- The needs of areas as a whole in relation to traffic (including the provision of adequate suitable and efficient services and the elimination of unnecessary and unremunerative services) and the co-ordination of all forms of passenger and goods transport, including transport by rail or sea
- The regulation and control of traffic
- The construction and maintenance of roads and the cost thereof
Any other matter affecting traffic or transport that the President may refer to the Board
When owners of special types of motor vehicles or trailers submit an application to use such vehicles or trailers on the roads of Trinidad and Tobago, the application is considered by the Board. If the Board recommends such use and the Chief Technical Officer approves, the Licensing Authority (Transport Commissioner) may authorise same subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be specified by the Board.
Under the MVRTA, the Chief Technical Officer may also:
- Grant a Special Permit to the owner of a tractor, goods vehicle or trailer for conveying an indivisible load of heavy machinery or other articles in excess of the maximum gross weight of fifteen tonnes in the case of a motor vehicle and eight tonnes in the case of a trailer. The Permit is granted subject to certain specified conditions and on payment of a special fee.
- Grant a Special Permit to the owner of any machine used for industrial purposes to enable such machine to be moved from one place to another. The Permit is granted subject to certain specified conditions and on payment of a special fee.
Under the Minerals Act (Act No. 61 of 2000), the Chief Technical Officer is a member of the Minerals Advisory Committee. This Committee advises on matters which pertain to the effective and efficient management and the development of mineral resources in general and the State mineral resources in particular.
Under the Municipal Corporations Act Chapter 25:04, the Engineer (the person holding the position of City Engineer, Town Engineer of Regional Engineer in a Corporation) may serve notice on a builder or owner to discontinue works on a building if such work is commenced in contravention of the Municipal Corporations Act, Building Regulations, Town and Country Planning Act or any other written law. The Municipal Corporations Act provides for such person to appeal to the Chief Technical Officer concerning the merits of the notice to discontinue. The Chief Technical Officer may either withdraw of vary the notice or he may dismiss the appeal.
The Chief Technical Officer also functions in other positions as appointed by the Permanent Secretary such as in various Tender Committees within the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure and external Committees such as at the ODPM.