Update on Motor Vehicle Inspection

Release date: 6/27/2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public on information relevant to the inspection of motor vehicles as stipulated by the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Chapter 48:50:

• Private Vehicles with a manufactured date (not the date of registration) of five (5) years or older are required to have their vehicles inspected at an Authorised Vehicle Testing Station every two (2) years. Owners of these private vehicles are required to pay a fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00).

• Owners of commercial vehicles are required to have their vehicles inspected annually at the Transport Division at the cost of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00).

• Owners of Private and Commercial Vehicles are required to present and submit their Certified Copies of the Certificate of Registration and valid Certificate of Insurance to the Authorised Vehicle Testing Station to begin the inspection process.

Regulation 27(11) of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Regulations made under section 100 of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Chapter 48:50 states that: “A registered owner of a private motor vehicle or motorcycle, public service motor vehicle, rental car, goods vehicle, omnibus or trailer who fails to produce the vehicle for inspection or drives the vehicle without obtaining an inspection sticker and certificate in accordance with these Regulations commits an offence and is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of five thousand dollars.”

In the instance where a valid inspection sticker is not affixed to the front windshield of the vehicle or a conspicuous place at the front of a motorcycle but the vehicle/motorcycle has successfully passed the inspection process, the driver of the motor vehicle/motorcycle in question should not be prosecuted by a law enforcement officer, if at the material time the driver is in possession of the valid Certificate of Inspection with the receipt of payment attached. The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to reiterate that motor vehicle/motorcycle inspections are essential in creating a safe environment for all on the nation’s roads. As the Government seeks to bring the incidence of road traffic accidents and fatalities down to zero, it is critical that drivers can provide proof that their vehicle is in a road worthy condition.