Rehabilitation Works for the Drainage Division, Ministry of Works and Transport
Tenders are invited for Rehabilitation Works for the Drainage Division, Ministry of Works and Transport as follows:
Project 1 - Construction of Reinforced Concrete Wall and Outfall Drains At #63, Acono Road, Maracas Valley, St Joseph.
Project 2 - Rehabilitation Works to Petit Valley Ravine Adjacent to La Burnham Villas, Petit Valley, Diego Martin
Project 3 - Construction of Reinforced Concrete Box Drain at #10 Akaloo Gardens, Old Longdenville Road, Chaguanas
Project 4 - Rehabilitation Works at Wellington Road, Debe
Separate contracts may be awarded for each project or a combination of projects
with no more than two (2) per contractor.
Tender documents may be requested from the Procurement Unit, Ministry of Works and Transport via electronic mail at: procurement@mowt.gov.tt or by contacting Ms. R. Ramroop, Secretary Ministerial Tenders Committee, Procurement Unit Level I, Ministry of Works and Transport, at telephone no: 625-1225 exts:-10187/10183 during normal working hours.
Any technical information may be obtained during normal working hours from Mr. Michael Joseph, Civil Engineer II, Ministry of Works and Transport at telephone no: 720-9158 or email at: michael.joseph@drainage.gov.tt.
Pre-tender meetings/site visits will be held for prospective tenderers as follows:

Tenders must be accompanied by valid:
Income Tax and Value Added Tax Clearance Certificates issued by the Board of Inland Revenue and dated not more than six (6) months prior to the closing date of the tender.
Certificate of Compliance issued in accordance with the National Insurance Act.
The original and two (2) copies of the tender should be placed in sealed envelopes addressed to the Chairman, Ministerial Tenders Committee and clearly marked on the outside:
Project 1 - “Tender for Construction of Reinforced Concrete Wall and Outfall Drains at #63, Acono Road, Maracas Valley, St Joseph for the Drainage Division, Ministry of Works and Transport”
Project 2 - “Tender for Rehabilitation Works to Petit Valley Ravine Adjacent to La Burnham Villas, Petit Valley, Diego Martin for the Drainage Division, Ministry of Works and Transport”
Project 3 - “Tender for Construction of Reinforced Concrete Box Drain at #10 Akaloo Gardens, Old Longdenville Road, Chaguanas for the Drainage Division, Ministry of Works and Transport”
Project 4 - “Tender for Rehabilitaion Works at Wellington Road, Debe for the Drainage Division, Ministry of Works and Transport”
Envelopes must be deposited in the WHITE Tenders Box located on the Ground Floor of the Ministry of Works and Transport Head Office, 2-4 London Street, Port of Spain, not later than 1:00 pm on Wednesday September 1st, 2021.
Tenderers should note that the dimensions of the SLOT of the Tenders Box are 40.0 cm x 6.5 cm and as such, tenders should be packaged accordingly.
Tenders will be opened shortly thereafter at the Ministry’s Head Office. The opening will be conducted via Microsoft Teams, whereby tenderers or their authorized representatives are required to email a request at: procurement@mowt.gov.tt in order to login and view the tender opening.
Late tenders will not be considered in any circumstances.
The Ministerial Tenders Committee does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves the right to cancel the bidding process in its entirety or even partially, without defraying any cost incurred by any firm in submitting their tender.
Prospective tenderers are advised that they can visit the website at http://www.mowt.gov.tt for published Tender Notices.
Ministerial Tenders Committee
Ministry of Works and Transport
MOWT (PU): 29/10/08
MOWT (PU): 29/10/09
MOWT (PU): 29/10/10
MOWT (PU): 29/10/11
August 4th, 2021
Download Tender Notice