Gradual Enforcement of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Windscreen and Window Tint) Regulations,

Release date: 12/29/2021

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public that there will be a transition period of
six (6) months for the gradual enforcement of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Windscreen and Window Tint) Regulations, 2020 (the Regulations) effective January 1st, 2022.

During this transition period law enforcement officers, through the Fixed Penalty Traffic Ticketing System, will be able to record electronic warnings against the driving permit records of drivers found in breach of the Regulations. An electronic warning is a feature of the Fixed Penalty Traffic Ticketing System that provides law enforcement officers with the ability to issue warnings to road traffic offenders rather than a fixed penalty notice, as well as monitor the behaviour of habitual offenders of road traffic laws.

This gradual enforcement of the Regulations also provides the general public with a transition period for adjustment and familiarisation with the practical operations of the Regulations. Further, it is anticipated that this approach would allow motor vehicle owners additional time to become compliant with the Regulations thereby reducing unwanted excessive congregation at businesses such as tint shops and auto garages.

Members of the public are reminded that enforcement of the Regulations through the use of the Fixed Penalty System and Demerit Points System will take effect at the end of this six month transition period. For full details and more information on the Regulations, persons are invited to utilise the following link and visit the Ministry’s social media platforms for
more updates.

The Ministry of Works and Transport looks forward to the full cooperation of the general public as we continue to implement measures to create safer roads for all citizens.