Quinam Beach Facility Successfully Reopened

RELEASE DATE: 21 Aug 2019

Quinam Beach Facility was officially reopened in December 2018. The Quinam Beach Facility is located along the southern coastline of Trinidad accessed via the Penal-Quinam Road. It is bordered by the National Forest Reserve to the north, the access road on the west, a small stream to the east and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Quinam Beach also borders two corporations: Penal/Debe Regional Corporation and Siparia Regional Corporation. Records shows that on a weekend, there are approximately 200 visitors to the Quinam Beach Facility. The Quinam Beach is a recreational site for swimming, kayaking, kite flying, recreational fishing, religious and other activities. 


  • Construction of 200 m of rock revetment at +3.5 m crest elevation 
  • Construction of 54m sheet pile with a boardwalk
  • Cliff Stabilisation of the western cliff along bay
  • Landscaping, drainage and ancillary works


  • Protection of Infrastructural public property and infrastructural assets of the beach facility including the Penal Quinam Road, Life Guard Building from coastal erosion and inundation.
  • Increase in amenity value of the beach facility
  • Improved aesthetics of the area.
  • Increased user friendly amenities