Who We Are
The Coastal Protection Unit was established in August 2014, to implement the mandate of the Ministry of Works and Transport for coastal erosion, through the execution of the Critical Coastal Protection Programme. This Programme aims to create a world class national coastal defence system to mitigate against shoreline erosion, coastal flooding and other health and environmental hazards through hard and soft coastal engineering techniques and management methodologies.
Currently, the strategic intentions of the Coastal Protection Unit are to:
- Execute MOWT’s coastal protection mandate;
- Deliver critical coastline defence engineering works;
- Continuously monitor the coastline to identify issues that affect its stability;
- Assist in the development and implementation of Government’s policies regarding coastal zone management and Climate Change shoreline adaptation;
- Recommend a lasting course of action for the sustained delivery of the MOWT’s coastal protection mandate.
The Coastal Protection Unit (CPU) of the Ministry of Works and Transport therefore serves to develop a long-term policy towards preservation, rehabilitation and management of the coastal zone as a model for sustainable development.
Historically, management of Trinidad’s coastline and addressing the increasing vulnerabilities due to coastal erosion, coastal flooding and climate change was not given a high national priority. As a consequence, with the lack of a clear action plan to address these vulnerabilities more communities, infrastructure and assets are at risk.