Media Releases

PLIPDECO'S 50th Anniversary Interfaith Service

16 Sep 2016

The Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited (PLIPDECO) celebrated its 50th anniversary on Friday 16th September, 2016, with an Interfaith Service at the Port Administration Car Park, Port Point Lisas at 9:00 a.m. 

Licensing Office working to clear backlog of Taxi Badge Applications

23 Aug 2016

Licensing Office working to clear backlog of Taxi Badge Applications

NIDCO: Public Notice: Construction Works on the Southern section of the Beetham Culvert #5

27 Jul 2016

The National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) in partnership with the Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) wishes to advise the Public that major construction works on the Southern section of the Beetham Culvert #5 running across the Beetham Highway at location East of the entrance to the Beetham Landfill, will start on Friday 29th July 2016 and end by Thursday 4th August, 2016

Driving regulations exams now available to the hearing impaired community of Trinidad and Tobago

25 Jul 2016

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT), in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Association for the Hearing Impaired (TTAHI), the Deaf Empowerment and Advancement Foundation (DEAF) and the Caribbean Sign Language Center for Leadership (CSLCL) have designed a special regulations exam; that will today, for the first time in Trinidad and Tobago, enable ten (10) hearing impaired citizens to sit driving regulations exams at the Licensing Division, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain.

Maritime Services Division Cracks Down on Unlicensed and Unregistered Party Boats

14 Jul 2016

In an effort to provide a safe and enjoyable maritime environment for the general public, the Maritime Services Division, Ministry of Works and Transport, wishes to advise all ship owners and operators, as well as Party Boat promoters and patrons, of the legal requirements for the safe operation of Party Boats or Passenger Vessels in the waters of Trinidad and Tobago, as follows:

Traffic Safety Awards 2015

30 Jun 2016

On Wednesday 30th June, 2016 the Ministry of Works and Transport in collaboration with BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago and Arrive Alive, hosted a Traffic Safety Awards Ceremony in honour of nineteen (19) of the nation’s finest exemplars in road safety awareness and enforcement.

World Oceans Day Message 2016 

08 Jun 2016

In Trinidad and Tobago, it is estimated that almost 80% of all socio-economic activities and 70% of the population are located along the coast. The country’s economy has traditionally been supported by coastal and marine resources, which primarily includes oil and gas, tourism and fisheries. Emerging economic strategies to foster a diversified economy will target sectors such as tourism, agriculture and other maritime activities. Such emerging strategies will depend on a healthy coastal environment, which includes healthy oceans, if sustainable benefits are to be realized.

New Traffic Laws that will Affect You!

01 Jan 2016

The Ministry of Works and Transport proposes to amend the Legislative Framework governing the Fixed Penalty Traffic Ticketing System and introduce a Demerit Points System in Trinidad and Tobago. This would see the alignment of two pieces of legislation (the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50 and the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Enforcement and Administration) Act, Ch. 48:52), and the incorporation of legislation provisions for new measures that will affect you. The Ministry of Works and Transport invites members of the public to download the policy document, and submit their comments anonymously on the key features of the Demerit Points System which are proposed.

Highways Cleanup Project-Sea Lots Intersection to Piarco Junction

24 Nov 2015

The Ministry of Works and Transport continues to do its part in ensuring safety on our nation’s roads. As such, MOWT wishes to inform the public that it will be undertaking a Highways Clean-up Project from Wednesday November 25th to Friday December 11th, 2015 between 6AM and 2PM daily.

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