Media Releases

The Ministry of Works and Transport Refutes Reports of Spot Speed Cameras, Fixed Cameras and Speed Traps at Various Locations Throughout the Country

23 Feb 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) wishes to advise the public that the Spot Speed Camera Enforcement System has not been officially launched in Trinidad and Tobago. This notice is in response to inaccurate information being circulated in the public domain, regarding the presence and operation of spot speed, fixed cameras and speed traps at various locations across the country.

Response to Information Circulating RE: Inspection of Vehicles

22 Feb 2017

​In response to information being circulated in the public domain that the Traffic Warden Division and the Transport Division have embarked on an initiative to crackdown on vehicles that have not been inspected, the Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) would like to maintain that no such action was taken. The inspection of vehicles is in fact an on-going process conducted by Motor Vehicle Officers throughout the year.

Update on Priority Bus Route Usage

18 Feb 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise that authorization has been granted to ONLY LIGHT MOTOR VEHICLES to use the Priority Bus Route (PBR) from Morvant Junction to Vierra Street, Port of Spain, until 1:00pm TODAY (Saturday 18th February, 2017).

Priority Bus Route Open to all Motorists Until 6AM on 18-02-2017

17 Feb 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public that Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport has authorized the use of the Priority Bus Route (PBR) to all motorists up to 6:00am tomorrow (Saturday 18th February, 2017).

Sinanan Gives Remarks at the Opening of Argyle International Airport, St Vincent and the Grenadines

16 Feb 2017

Minister of Works and Transport, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan gave remarks at the opening of the Argyle International Airport in St Vincent and the Grenadines, on Tuesday 14th February,2017. Sinanan attended the opening on behalf of the Prime Minister, The Honourable Dr. Keith Rowley, MP.

Minister of Works and Transport calls on PTSC to improve its service following new NP-CNG agreement

03 Feb 2017

Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport has called on the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) to improve the level of service offered to the public, following the signing agreement between PTSC and NP-CNG for a permanent fuelling station at South Quay on Thursday 3rd February, 2017

Minister of Works and Transport Commits to Improved Licensing Division Following Impromptu Visit

30 Jan 2017

On Monday 30th January, 2017, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport made an impromptu visit to the Licensing Division on Wrightson Road, Port of Spain where he saw first-hand the challenges faced by both the staff and the public in completing their transactions.

Ministry of Works and Transport Meets with Uber

25 Jan 2017

On January 24th, 2017, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan,  Minister of Works and Transport, the Honourable Faris Al-Rawi, Attorney General, Mr. Wayne Richards, Transport Commissioner, and a representative from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, met with representatives of Uber to discuss the launching of Uber in Trinidad and Tobago.

Works Ministry Responds to the Launch of Uber

16 Jan 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport would like to acknowledge the recent launch of Uber, a taxi service facilitated by the use of a smart phone application and the hire of privately owned vehicles.

Ministry of Works and Transport Launches New Driving Permit System

13 Jan 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport today (Friday 13th January, 2017) launched Trinidad and Tobago’s New Driving Permit System at a press conference hosted by Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport.

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