Media Releases

Additional Inspection Garages Available for T Goods Motor Vehicles

28 Nov 2018

Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport, today presented additional
certificates to private garages approving them as official testing stations for the inspection of “T” Goods
Motor Vehicles up to 3200kgs M.G.W.

Maritime Sector in TT to Strengthen through Regional Training

01 Nov 2018

The Ministry of Work and Transport is currently host to a three week Regional Caribbean Ship Inspection
Training Workshop (CASIT) facilitated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) at its Head

12 additional inspection garages available to the public from Monday

30 Oct 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport today presented certificates to 12 private garages approving them
as official testing stations for the inspection of “T” Goods Motor Vehicles up to 3200kgs M.G.W. from
Monday 5th November, 2018. The recently approved private garages brings the complement of garages
that can inspect “T” Goods Vehicles to 18, following the approval of the Vehicle Management
Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (VMCOTT) to test “T” vehicles at its three locations, and the
Licensing Division Offices at San Fernando, Caroni and Port of Spain.

The Renewal of Route Two Maxi Taxi Priority Bus Route Permits for the first Half of 2019 Jan-June

25 Oct 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise holders of Route Two Maxi Taxi Priority Bus Route (PBR) Permits for the First Half of 2019 (Jan-June) will be held from 1st November, 2018 to 15th November, 2018 from 9AM to 2PM as follows:-

Partial Opening of the PBR has ended

23 Oct 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public that the authorization granted to Light Motor Vehicles to utilize the segment of the Priority Bus Route (PBR) from Curepe to Arima Junction that was granted on the 19th October, has ended.

Partial Opening of the PBR up to Mt Hope Intersection

02 Oct 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public of the partial opening of the Priority Bus Route (PBR) to light vehicles ONLY between the intersections of Abbatoir Road, Port of Spain and Mount Hope intersection, until further notice.

Please be guided accordingly



Safety of Bailey Bridge at 11KM Mark of North Coast Road

26 Sep 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) is pleased to inform the travelling public that the installation of the Bailey Bridge along the North Coast Road, Maracas, 11KM mark was completed over the weekend and is now open to vehicular traffic.

Increasing Capacity VMCOTT Approved for Inspection of T Registered Motor Vehicles

25 Sep 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport is pleased to announce the expansion of Vehicle Testing Stations across Trinidad and Tobago. The Vehicle Management Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (VMCOTT) has been approved as an official testing station for the inspection of Motor Cycles, Private Cars not exceeding a Tare Weight of 2,270 kgs and “T” Goods Motor Vehicles up to 3200 kgs M.G.W.

Partial Opening of the PBR Ended and Segment of Beetham Highway Reopened

23 Sep 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public that the partial opening of the Priority Bus Route (PBR) to light vehicles between the intersections of Abbatoir Road, Port of Spain and Mount Hope has ended, and the segment of the Beetham Highway is re-opened to all motor vehicles.

Motorists are to expect some lane restrictions as ongoing works continue on Beetham culvert #2.

The Ministry thanks all for their patience and cooperation during this exercise.

Please be guided accordingly.


Ministry Launches Point of Sale Debit Card System - Linx

20 Sep 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport is pleased to announce the introduction of the Point of Sale Debit Card System at Licensing Offices across Trinidad and Tobago. This system will be implemented on a phased basis, commencing at two locations - Licensing Headquarters Frederick Settlement, Caroni and Wrightson Road Port of Spain.

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