Media Releases

Ministers Sinanan, Hosein and a Technical team Renders Infrastructural Assistance to Flood Victims

23 Jul 2017

In the aftermath of continued torrential downpours which occurred across the country this weekend, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport, along with the Minister of Local Government, Senator the Honourable Kazim Hosein, and a technical team of the Ministry of Works and Transport visited Maraval, Santa Cruz and Maracas and conducted preliminary assessments and clean up.

Public Advisory- Closure of the San Fernando Licensing Office

19 Jul 2017





Please be advised that the San Fernando Licensing Office located at Balisier Avenue, Pleasantville, will be CLOSED to the public on Friday 21st July 2017, from 2.00pm to facilitate scheduled maintenance works

Minister Sinanan delivers on his promise to the Fishing Pond Community

14 Jul 2017

On Friday July 14, 2017 Minister of Works and Transport, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan delivered the feature address at the Commissioning of the Leemond Road Fishing Pond Water Supply Project. This improvement initiative to optimize water supply to homes in the area and adjoin 278 households to WASA’s distribution network involved the laying of underground pipes which caused considerable damage to the roadway.

Minister of Works and Transport Tour’s City Gate Facility

11 Jul 2017

On Tuesday 11th July, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport met with Mr. Eon Hewitt, President of the Association of Maxi Taxi Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Linus Philip, President of the Red Band Maxi Taxi Association and their respective teams.

MOWT Dispatched a Technical Team to Conduct Preliminary Assessment

02 Jul 2017

Ministry of Works and Transport dispatched a technical team to conduct a preliminary assessment in light of the torrential downpour Following the torrential downpour which occurred earlier today, the Ministry of Works and Transport has dispatched its technical team of personnel to conduct preliminary assessment.

Access road used for motorists exiting the Caroni Savannah Road unto UBH Highway SB Lane has been temporarily closed

23 Jun 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise that the access road used for exiting the Caroni Savannah Road unto the Uriah Butler Highway (South Bound Lane) has been temporarily closed to all motorists.

San Fernando, Caroni and Port of Spain Licensing Offices are Open for Business today, Tuesday 20th June, 2017

20 Jun 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to inform the general public that the following Licensing Offices are OPEN for business today, Tuesday 20th June 2017.

Extension of Route 2 Maxi Taxi PBR Permits for July - December 2017

20 Jun 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public that the renewal of Route 2 Maxi Taxi Permit Renewal for the second half of 2017 July - December has been extended to Friday 23rd June, 2017.

Ministry of Works and Transport Refutes Claim of Tropical Cyclone

16 Jun 2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport notes with concern the report by the Facebook Group "Trini Daily" that the Ministry has called an emergency meeting after receiving a memo about a tropical cyclone possibly hitting T&T, and wishes to advise the public that the Ministry has not issued any weather forecasts or bulletin regarding the possibility of an upcoming cyclone.

Roadworks Eastbound and Westbound Sections of Beetham Highway

26 May 2017

The National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) in partnership with the Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) wishes to advise the public (motorists/residents/pedestrians) that works on the following culverts along the Beetham Highway will commence on Saturday 27th May, 2017 and is scheduled to end on Sunday 28th May, 2017:

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