Media Releases

Draft Tint Policy

13 Sep 2018

The Proposed Reform of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50 on the Use and Enforcement of Window Film (commonly known as Tint) on Motor Vehicles in Trinidad and Tobago

Residents Impeding Process on Curepe Interchange

09 Sep 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport has noted the cover story published in today’s edition of the Trinidad Guardian (09-09-18) and wishes to state the facts as they relate to this matter.

The Priority Bus Route partially opened in an easterly direction & Arrangement for westerly direction has ended

27 Aug 2018

Motorists are advised that the use of the Priority Bus Route in a westerly direction from Mt Hope
Intersection to Abattoir Road, Port of Spain has ended.

PBR Partially Opened until further notice

26 Aug 2018


The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public that the segment of the Priority Bus Route (PBR), from Mt Hope Intersection to Abattoir Road, Port of Spain has been opened for Light Motor Vehicles traversing in a westerly direction only.

Update on Amendment to Regulation 27 of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Regulations to allow commercial vehicles to be inspected by approved private garages

06 Jul 2018

On July 06th 2018, Cabinet agreed to amend Regulation 27(1) of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Regulations (MVRT). This change will allow “T” registered vehicles with an MGW of up to 3200kg, to be inspected by approved private garages across Trinidad and Tobago every two years, similar to the provision for light motor vehicles registered for private use.


The MOWT introduces Five Month Moratorium on the Inspection of Vehicles

29 Jun 2018

On July 05th 2018, a five (5) month moratorium was granted on the inspection of motor vehicles .This will allow citizens who own and drive motor vehicles sufficient time to ensure that their vehicles are properly inspected and the necessary inspection stickers are affixed to these vehicles, in accordance with the requirements of the MVTR Regulations. It is anticipated that this moratorium will reduce the overcrowding of inspection garages and Transport Division offices around the country and alleviate a situation which has been causing anxiety and inconvenience to thousands of citizens.

Update on Motor Vehicle Inspection

27 Jun 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the general public on information relevant to the inspection of motor vehicles as stipulated by the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Chapter 48:50:

MOWT Enforces the Mandatory Capture of Photograph and Signature for all Driver's Permit Transactions

14 Jun 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) wishes to advise with effect from Monday 18th June, 2018 all persons conducting driver’s permit transactions will be required to take a new photograph and affixed signature.

MOWT's response to the suspension of UBER's services

29 May 2018

The Minister of Works and Transport notes the published decision of UBER to suspend its operations in
Trinidad and Tobago effective May 30th, 2018 and the reasoning advanced for the suspension.
The national community is reminded of the Ministry’s previously stated position on the operations of
the company in this country and the need for it to comply with all applicable laws.
This is all the much more important in the context of the complexities of the local transportation

MOWT implements the randomization of vehicle registration numbers effective Monday 2nd July, 2018.

29 May 2018

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) wishes to advise the general public that with effect from Monday 2nd July, 2018 vehicle registration numbers will now be assigned to vehicles on a randomized basis within the latest series. This new system replaces the issuance of vehicle registration numbers on a sequential basis as previously in place.

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